Blog Award - Thank You

I have been given this wonderful award by Angie
Do go and check our her blog HERE its worth the visit

Now the rules of this award are:

Thank the person who gave the award, and link back to their blog
Share 8 thing about yourself
Pass this award onto 8 Individuals who I have recently discovered
Leave a comment so they can pass on their recognition

Ok so eight facts about little old me...

1. I own and ride a 1913 motorbike and sidecar
2. I am a fully qualified mechanic
3. I love crafting
4. I am scared of thunderstorms
5. I love Baileys
6.  I have a cheeky African Grey Parrot who talks and laughs
7. I own a Morris Traveller called Ernie and his has a girlfriend called Emily
(My DH Morris Convertible)
8. Yes I am mad but lovable :)

Now on to the 8 people I want to pass this onto
in no particular order
Drum Roll Please...

Enjoy the award

x Nicky x


Kimberly said…
Thank you so much for thinking of me for this award...i appreciate it
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness!!!! Thank you Nicky!! What a wonderful surprise. I am completely flattered. :-) You just totally made my day. Hugs xo ~ Rhonda
Dotty Jo said…
Thank you nicky, you are such a doll! Jo x

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