Blog Award - Thank You
I have been given this wonderful award by Angie Do go and check our her blog HERE its worth the visit Now the rules of this award are: Thank the person who gave the award, and link back to their blog Share 8 thing about yourself Pass this award onto 8 Individuals who I have recently discovered Leave a comment so they can pass on their recognition Ok so eight facts about little old me... 1. I own and ride a 1913 motorbike and sidecar 2. I am a fully qualified mechanic 3. I love crafting 4. I am scared of thunderstorms 5. I love Baileys 6. I have a cheeky African Grey Parrot who talks and laughs 7. I own a Morris Traveller called Ernie and his has a girlfriend called Emily (My DH Morris Convertible) 8. Yes I am mad but lovable :) Now on to the 8 people I want to pass this onto in no particular order Drum Roll Please... Canadian Craft Corner Dottys Pudding Place.. Musings on Art Jac's Playground Creating in Carolina Cupcakes and Custard Pixies Crafty Workshop Jodpea Enjoy ...