Dotties Challenge - A Recipe

The challenge this week is set by Juliet
This week we are working with a Recipe.....

At least 1 Charmed Download

1 Flower - must be handmade not shop brought!

3 Buttons

1 Ribbon

Chuck it all together and add a bit of doodling to finish.

Have fun!

When I first read this I thought this is a little out of my comfort zone, I do not often do flowers, I have never used buttons or done doodling, but at least I know how to use ribbon and the Charmed Downloads!!

I sat down and made a card, then just as I was about to send it in, I realised that I had not followed the recipe, teach me to read things properly lol.
I will put the card on later

So back to the drawing board. I decieded to make a flower top box, I mounted three leaf buttons with their shacks cut off on the top, I doodle on the petals and the edges of the box. I tied a bow in some ribbon and put it aroung the centre, and finished with a Front and Back Dottie Butterfly
Thanks for the Challenge Juliet

And Thanks to Dotties World for having me as January guest designer it has been fun.
They are chosing a new guest designer for February so make sure you get your creations done by Thursday, I can highly recommend it.


Adele said…
Oh Nicky, your creations are always so original and so refreshing it's been great having you as part of the team.


love Dingle.xx
Juliet said…
I love the way you've incorporated the recipe into this box Nicky. Brilliant job!
Juliet xx
Louly said…
Absolutely beautiful Nicky. Thank you for being succh a fab guest designer.
Gorgeous box Nicky, love the butterfly Dottie stood on top. x
Nicky, Dottie the butterfly is wonderful. I know what you mean about instructions - been there, done that!!!! Kym xxx

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