Dotties Challenge - A Recipe
The challenge this week is set by Juliet
This week we are working with a Recipe.....
At least 1 Charmed Download
1 Flower - must be handmade not shop brought!
3 Buttons
1 Ribbon
Chuck it all together and add a bit of doodling to finish.
Have fun!
When I first read this I thought this is a little out of my comfort zone, I do not often do flowers, I have never used buttons or done doodling, but at least I know how to use ribbon and the Charmed Downloads!!
I sat down and made a card, then just as I was about to send it in, I realised that I had not followed the recipe, teach me to read things properly lol.
I will put the card on later
So back to the drawing board. I decieded to make a flower top box, I mounted three leaf buttons with their shacks cut off on the top, I doodle on the petals and the edges of the box. I tied a bow in some ribbon and put it aroung the centre, and finished with a Front and Back Dottie Butterfly
Thanks for the Challenge Juliet
And Thanks to Dotties World for having me as January guest designer it has been fun.
They are chosing a new guest designer for February so make sure you get your creations done by Thursday, I can highly recommend it.
love Dingle.xx
Juliet xx