Sunday Challenge - Not to make a card
Make something using a Charmed download but IT CAN'T BE A CARD! This was the challenge set by Louise from Dotties World. Well I decided that as every time I turn on the TV there seems to be something about a credit crunch, I would come up with an idea to save money! When looking in the local craft shop I saw a small bag (18cm x 15cm) I thought it would work perfect. I used a paint program on my PC to colour the Dottie image and then printed it with the words Sarah's Budget Shopping bag. I printed on to transfer paper and ironed it on to the bag. Then to finish it off I made a little tag. I was going to give it to a friend at work who struggles to get her weekly shopping bill down, but unfortunately when ironing on the image my iron left some black marks on the bag. But I thought I would share my mistakes as well as my success. Great challenge Louise really got the old grey matter working, thanks.